Rue Crémieux
友人と「ParisのNotting Hillへ行こう!」となり、カラフルな通り「Rue Crémieux」へお散歩へ。
駅へ降り立ったとたん、雨がさーっと降ってきたのですが☔️雨上がりのRue Crêmieuxはキラキラして見えました。せっかくなので写真を。このエメラルドのブラウスは近々販売予定です。またUPしますね!
"Let's go to Notting Hill in Paris!" With a friend, I took a walk to the colorful street "Rue Crémieux".
As soon as we got off at the station, it started to rain, but ☔️ After the rain, Rue Crêmieux looked glittering.
This emerald blouse will be on sale soon.. I will upload it on this shop!