憧れのYSL美術館へ/Touching eternal elegance at Musée YSL
美術館やシアターも開くようになったパリ。とある週末、念願のイヴ・サンローラン美術館(Musée Yves Saint Laurent Paris)へ訪れました。胸が高鳴りながら入場!
Museums and theaters have reopened in Paris. One weekend, I finally could visit "Musée Yves Saint Laurent Paris". I entered there while exciting!

The exhibition of elegant drawings and gorgeous fabrics continued, and in particular, "YSL maison's the quest for high-quality and beautiful fabrics" inspired me a lot. I walked slowly while learning that the belief of designer Yves resides in the quality of the fabric.

The pictures of Yves immersing in his work was also beautifully displayed in monochrome. He looked like a little lonely person who creates extraordinary ideas ... his character such as shyness with a slight shadow, and loneliness showed from his profile was impressive.

"He was also a humorous person," said his partner Pierre Berger in a documentary film showing in the hall. In the video, there was also Yves joking with a relaxed face in a Moroccan villa.
I slowly looked at the fascinating collection ...

クリエーションが生まれる場所であるアトリエの様子も、展示されていました。ムードボードやデッサン、布がスタンバイされていて、 今にも打ち合わせが始まりそうな躍動感がありました。
The atelier, where the creation was born, was also exhibited. The mood board, drawings, and cloth were on standby, and there was a sense of dynamism that the meeting was about to begin.

I have to come back here to learn and feel elegance on a regular basis!
I heard that we have YSL museum not only in Paris but also in Marrakech. Someday I want to see a big garden of Marrakech which would fascinate me.