パリの左岸で夢夢しい薔薇に出会う🌹/Flower Friday!
私はいわゆる方向音痴なので、google map無しでは目的地まで本当に辿りづけません笑 🐈 でも散歩をよくする今日この頃では、その方向音痴がいい効果をもたらしているかも?なのです。
I'm not good for sense of direction, so I can't really reach my destination without google map lol 🐈 But in the daily situation of lots of taking a walk, my sense may have a good effect?
Paris has undulating, narrow roads that are attractive. The narrow back streets are more interesting than the main streets, so I intuitively choose the narrow streets. Then, I realize like.."where am I!?", but I feel that walking like this way will allow me to discover new areas.
I wanted something gorgeous item for my apartment, then I found a cute flower shop.

薔薇づくし!お店の名前は「Au Nom De La Rose」。薔薇の名・・と思うとピンとシェイクスピアが思い出され。
Roses! The name of the shop is "Au Nom De La Rose". When I hear this shop name, I remember the word from Shakespeare.
I asked, "The name of the shop, does it come from the phrase 'Roses smell sweet even if they have different names' in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet?"
The staff replied to me, "Maybe not, but the shop name seemed to be inspired by the title of the book." I want to read that book some day.

Beautiful roses can only be kept for about a week..that is "beauty." But when I considered it, I found a specially processed rose that was supposed to be kept for over a year🌹 And there is a purple rose that I love!
I chose and bought a combination of "purple rose x bell-shaped glass x rouge-colored sand" for my room. Roses of various colors such as pink, orange, and light purple stop the time and stand in the glass. By the way, the lady staff who explained various things to me had a rose-colored lame eye shadow. It was cute so I want to imitate it.

This item got wrapped with a lot of rose petals and it was so cute. I took a picture in my room. Gothic, mysterious, beautiful rose item made my day🌹 I will cherish it in front of the mirror.
There are many flower shops in Paris that are so cute and stop my walking. I would like to visit those shops little by little and introduce them in this Blog.