パリの歴史ある可愛い本屋さん/Nostalgic & Cute Bookstore in Paris
パリには歴史を感じる、ノスタルジックな本屋さんがたくさんあるけれど・・この場所は特別!一歩入ればロンドンにいるような気分になれる、可愛い本屋さん「Shakespeare and Company」。1919年創業なので、もう100歳以上になるんですね。
There are many nostalgic bookstores in Paris where you can feel the history, but this place is special! "Shakespeare and Company" is a cute bookstore that makes you feel like you are in London. Since it was founded in 1919, this place is already over 100 years old.
At first I was overwhelmed by the unique book display, but recently I've climbed upstairs. On the second floor are photos of celebrities in the literary world. Oh lovely..
最近、このお店で注文していた本を受け取っていると、ピアノの音色が♪ 音色が奏でられている方へ向かうと、誰でも弾いても良いピアノが2階にちょこんとあるのに気づいたのでした。その日はメガネをかけた女の子が弾いていました🎹
Recently, when I received the book I ordered at this shop, I heard the piano tone♪ When I headed toward that tone, I noticed that there was a piano on the second floor that anyone could play. A girl with glasses was playing that day 🎹
And a cat always seems to stay on this floor ... But as expected, everyone's idol cat is always in someone's arms 😂 I want to stroke it 🐈, and I want to play the piano here someday.