パリのマレ地区で可愛いもの探し/Cute things in the Marais district of Paris
ただいま3回目のロックダウン中のパリ。お天気なので、マレ地区をお友達とお散歩してきました🐈 マレ地区といえば、ファッションストリートというくらいトレンドが生まれるところで、ファッションウィーク中は特に混むエリア。
Paris is currently in the third lockdown. In good weather, I took a walk in the Marais area with my friends 🐈 The Marais area is a place where trends are born, such as fashion streets, and it is a particularly crowded area during Fashion Week.
I happened to meet a bear at a cafe. .. This giant Teddy can be seen all over Paris. I used to be shocked when I saw these teddies in Paris (they were cutely occupying the terrace seats😂), but now I really feel that they are one of important residents in Pairs🧸

次はお菓子屋さん「MÉERT」へ。可愛いウィンドーを見て「いつか入ってみたいなぁ」と思っていました。今回はふわふわしたマシュマロを購入! 色も香りも可愛いものが溢れたshopでした。また行きたい〜
Next is the sweet shop "MÉERT". Looking at the cute window, I had thought, "I want to enter here someday." I bought a fluffy marshmallow this time! It was a shop full of cute colors and sweet scents.

お散歩の最後はOFR Bookstoreへ。エッジの効いたファッション誌が所狭しと並んでいます。奥の展示が時々変わるので、ちょくちょく見に訪れています。この日はファッション雑誌から作られたオブジェが展示されていました。
それでは良き週末を、Bon Week-end!
At the end of the walk, head to OFR Bookstore. There are many edgy fashion magazines lined up. The exhibition in the back changes from time to time, so I sometimes visit there. Objects made from fashion magazines were on display on that day.
Have a nice weekend!