パリのパッサージュをはしご旅/Passages Day!
大好きなパッサージュを練り歩きの日。パリのパッサージュは数種類に分かれて続いています。この日は有名なGalerie Vivienneよりも、もう少し北にあるパッサージュを訪れました。
Passage Verdeauという所から南へ向かえば、Passage Jouffroy, Panoramas..と他のパッサージュも通れて効率よく周れるのです。ではOn y va!
A walking day to my favorite passages. The passages in Paris are divided into several types. On this day, I visited the area which was a little further north than the famous Galerie Vivienne.
If you head south from the place called Passage Verdeau, you can pass through Passage Jouffroy, Panoramas .. and other passages, you can go around easily. Then, on y va!

Passage Verdeau の北入り口付近で迎えてくれる、ノスタルジックな古本屋さん。読書中の男の子のお人形、ちゃんとマスクしている😷
A nostalgic bookstore that welcomes you near the north entrance of Passage Verdeau. Boy's doll reading, masked properly 😷

A bookstore full of art books that would my aesthetic sense just by looking at the display. Not only are the books lined up, but the way they are fascinated is also beautiful.

Each shop is so lovely, but don't forget to see overhead! The old glass ceiling, which invites us to the 19th century, gently envelops us as pedestrians.

Passage Jouffroyはモノクロの床がクラシカルでお気に入り。そしてここには憧れの傘屋さんがあります。「シェルブールの雨傘」の舞台のような、歴史を感じるところ。ちょっぴり敷居が高く感じるので、ウィンドー越しに今は眺めているのですが、「いつかここで最高の一本を購入しよう!」と思っています🐈☂️
Passage Jouffroy has a classic monochrome floor and is my favorite. And here is the longed-for umbrella shop. A place where you can feel the history, like the stage of "Umbrellas of Cherbourg."
I feel nervous with this shop's elegant aura, so I'm looking through the window now, but I'm thinking "I'll buy the best one here someday!" 🐈☂️

Passage des Panoramasに到着です。南へ向かうほどに、ノスタルジック度が増すような気がします。
ここに「Victoria Station」という、ロンドンな雰囲気で、めちゃくちゃ内装が好みのレストランがあります。今は難しいですが、いつか中に入ってみたいなあ。窓をちらちらと眺め中。
I finally arrived at Passage des Panoramas. I feel that the more south I go, the more nostalgic it becomes.
Here's "Victoria Station", a restaurant with a London mood and insanely decorated. It's difficult now, but I'd like to go inside someday. I'm glancing at the window.
I'll be taking a walk in the passage again soon.
Have a nice weekend 💐