お店が再開のパリ。笑顔がいっぱい!👒/Reborn Paris with smile!🐈
On 19th May, Paris seemed to be "reborn". Cafes, restaurants, and all shops are starting to open! The scenery is totally different from yesterday's Paris.
There is a cafe right next to the station closest to my appartment, and many people are chatting there today. At that point, I found that this station had such a lively atmosphere. It's like meeting a new city ... I feel happy!

あたたかい雰囲気のお店「La Petit Chaise」でお昼ごはんを。赤いチェックのテーブルシート、フランスらしくて可愛いなあ🎈
I wanted to go all the time.. I finally went out with my friend to see the museum and have lunch.
The lunch place was "La Petit Chaise", a restaurant with warm atmosphere. This red check table sheet bring us French, cute mood 🎈

今日訪れた美術館はCognacq-Jay Museum(コニャック・ジェイ美術館)でした。色んなお部屋に導かれるような、優雅な雰囲気たっぷりの空間。別の記事にてまたレポートしたいな、と思います。
The museum I visited today was "Cognacq-Jay Museum." A space with an elegant atmosphere that will lead us to various rooms. I would like to report again in another article.

"A lot of smiles in Paris"made me happy today. People are all walking happily and chatting.
The city was filled with wonderful art, spaces such as cafe, and the liveliness of people.. I felt that "moveable feast" can consist of all these gathering.